Friday, May 28, 2010

Another thing I've learned is that the p-38 was one of the strongest plane in World War 2 besides the a-10 Warthog, because of it's exterior plates and double engines. Most planes today have a stealth exterior plate, but the p-38 and a-10 were the strongest planes possibly ever made. Planes back then were not very fancy. Most like the p-51 Mustang were a spitting image of the Wright brother first model of an airplane!!! Like all planes even cars have a cooler that keeps the engine from overheating, but the the p-38 was the only World War 2 plane that used liquid Nitrogen as the substance. It Boils at 321 degrees Fahrenheit! that's so col that if you stick your hand in it and then bang it on a table it will break... and it's boiling! the p-38 cost more then $6,000,000 dollars! I have a video on what the p-38 lightning was like check it out

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